先日紹介した昭和の英語教科書、New Prince English Course 3(1975年頃の中学3年用英語教科書)に掲載されていた文章があまりに良くできていたため、ここで紹介することにします。老婆心ながら対訳を付けました(対訳は、自然な日本語にするため、かなり意訳しています)。中3でこれだけの文章が読めるようになったら自信が付きますよね。なお、この項では、文法の例文として紹介されていたのが以下の4つの文章で、複文の構造と関係副詞(現在は高1課程)を勉強することになっているようです。
① She told him how to play the guitar.
② I don’t know when he'll be back.
③ Monday is the day when I'm busy.
④ I don’t know what he wants.
Lesson 11
① One afternoon the sheriff was riding along a bad road.
“I must bring Dick Adams back to town for trial,” he said to himself. “He committed a crime in town. Perhaps he is hiding in the mountains.”
The sheriff reached a small village at the foot of a mountain. He got off his horse in front of the general store and went in.
“Have you seen Dick Adams around here?“ he asked a woman in the store.
“I haven’t seen him for some weeks.”
“Can you tell me the way to his father’s house?“
“It’s about five mies from here,” said the woman. And she told him how to get to the house.
① 保安官は、ある昼下がり、馬に乗って荒れた道を進んでいた。
② The sheriff got off his horse at the gate to Mr. Adams’s house. He stood in the cool wind for a few minutes. Then he walked up to the door and knocked. A woman opened the door and let him walk in.
He found five men at a round table in the center of the room. He said “Good evening,” but they did not say a word. There were six guns in one corner.
“Is Dick here?“ the sheriff asked the oldest man.
“No, he isn’t!“ The answer was quick and angry. “I don’t know where he is or when he’ll be back.”
“I want Dick,” said the sheriff.
“He must go back to town and stand trial.”
The old man picked up a gun and said, “He isn’t here! He isn't.”
② 保安官は、父親の家の門の前で馬を降りた。しばらくの間、涼しい風の中にたたずんでいた。やがて入口まで歩いて行き、ドアをノックした。女がドアを開け、保安官を家に招き入れた。
老人は銃をとって言った。「息子はおらん! おらんのだ!」

③ The old man pointed his gun at the sheriff.
“Wait!“ said the sheriff. He held up his hands. He was thinking fast. The old man in front of him was very angry. He was going to shoot at any moment. It was a moment when the sheriff had to do something as fast as he could.
“I understand,” he said. “You mountain people don’t tell lies. If you say Dick isn’t here, he isn’t. That’s all. I think I’d better go now.”
The sheriff turned around. The old man ran to the door like a wild animal. He stood there with his legs apart and cried, “Don’t move!“
The other men stood up and picked up their guns.
③ 老人は、銃口を保安官に向けた。
④ The sheriff didn’t know what he should do at this moment. Then he saw a violin hanging on the wall. It gave him an idea.
“Oh, you have a violin,” he said to the old man. “I haven’t played for years, but I like playing the violin. May I play?”
The old man did not know what to say. The sheriff walked over to the wall, took down the violin, and began to play some folk songs.
Nobody moved. Nobody said anything. By and by the angry faces of the mountain people became calm. They walked slowly to the chairs and sat down with their guns in their hands.
When the sheriff stopped playing, the old man said, “Will you play ‘My Heart's in the Highlands’?“
④ 保安官は、どうしたら良いかわからなかった。そのとき、壁にかかっているバイオリンが視界に入ってきた。突然考えが一つ浮かんだ。
保安官が演奏を終わると、老人は言った。「”My Heart's in the Highlands(俺の心は山にある)”を弾いてくれんか?」

⑤ The sheriff finished playing the song. He put down the violin and said to the old man, “It isn’t good for your son to be hiding. There are other people who are looking for him, too. Some day they will find him. They may shoot him in a fight. Find him as soon as you can, and tell him to give himself up to the police.”
The old man was silent for some time. Then he took the sheriff’s hand and said, “I like your way of doing things. Thank you for your advice. I’ll make Dick go and see you.”
“Fine,” said the sheriff. “Good night, gentlemen.” The sheriff went back to town. Two days later, Dick Adams came to the office where the sheriff worked.
(628 words)
⑤ 保安官は、曲を弾き終わった。そしてバイオリンを置いて、老人に言った。「あんたの息子にとっては、隠れているのは良いことじゃない。あいつを探している奴は他にもいるんだ。いずれあいつを見つけるだろう。そのとき撃ち合いになってあいつを殺してしまうかも知れない。だからすぐにあいつを見つけ出して、警察に身を委ねるよう説得してほしいんだ」