先日紹介した昭和の英語教科書は3年生の版でしたが、2年生の版(New Prince English Course 2)にも良くできている読み物がありました。ついでと言っては何ですが、これもここで紹介することにします。こちらも老婆心ながら対訳を付けました(対訳は、自然な日本語にするため、かなり意訳しています)。この文章については、私自身、暗誦している箇所があった(“Cakes! Cakes! Try the best cakes in the country!”の箇所)ことから、当時の中2のレベルには合っていたのではないかと思います。中2のレベルでも読める、割合しっかりした英文があったことが、ある意味驚きです。なお、この項では、文法の例文として紹介されていたのが以下の5つの文章で、過去形の肯定文・疑問文、比較級・最上級を勉強することになっているようです。
① Lucy cooked yesterday.
② This book is more interesting than that one.
③ This book is the most interesting of all.
④ Her mother came here yesterday.
⑤ Did you like that orange? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
Lesson 4
There was a little boy in a small country in the East. His mother worked day after day. In the morning, she baked cakes. In the afternoon, she stayed in the park with the cakes. In the evening, she was back home with some coins.
One day she was sick in bed. She handed a box to her boy. “There are one hundred cakes in this box. Go to the park with these cakes and sell them all. Now, listen. There are many people in the park. Some of them are bad people. Come back early.”
There were a lot of people in the park. The boy opened the box and cried, “Cakes! Cakes! Try the best cakes in the country!”
A man tried one of the cakes. “Oh, it's delicious!” he cried. “This cake is more delicious than any other cake. It's the most delicious of all the cakes in the country.”
“Thank you. My mother bakes them with the best oil in the country.”
Many people were listening. Some wanted three cakes, and others wanted five.
After a little time, there were not any cakes in the box. There were one hundred coins in it.
公園には、人が大勢いた。少年は箱を開けて、そして叫んだ。「お菓子だよ! 国一番のお菓子だよ!」
Then there was a woman's cry. “Help! Help!” A big dog was near the woman. The boy went up to the dog and cried, “Go away, bad dog! Go away!” The dog soon went away from the woman.
The boy came back to his box. But there were no coins in it.
“Oh, my coins! Where are they? Oh! Oh! Oh!” cried the boy. “I can't go home.”
An old man was standing near him.
“Where were your coins, boy?” said the man.
“They were in this cake box,” said the boy.
“Well,” said the man. “I can get back your coins…. Listen, all of you. There is a bad man among us. Come here, all of you.”
そのとき、女性の叫び声が聞こえた。「助けて! 助けて!」 その女性のそばには大きな犬がいた。少年はその犬のところに駆けつけて叫んだ。「あっちへ行け、悪い犬め! あっちへ行け!」 犬はすぐに女性から離れていった。
「お金がない! どこに行ったんだ? ああ!」少年は叫んだ。「家に帰れない」

“Here is another box,” said the old man. “There is some water in it. Put a coin in it, all of you. This box can find the bad man.”
“I didn't take the boy's coins,” said one man.
He put a coin in the box.
All the people in the park put coins in the box. The old man said to the last man, “That's the boy's coin. Did you take it?”
“No, I didn't,” he said.
“Yes, you did,” said the old man. “Look at the oil on the water in the box. The oil was on the boy's coin. Put all his coins here.”
In this way, the boy got back all his coins. He was very happy.
(435 words)