これまで昭和の中学英語教科書の文章を紹介してきましたが、どれも開隆堂のもので、ここはひとつ東京書籍の『New Horizon』からも1本ピックアップしてみようじゃないのということで、1978年の『New Horizon English Course 3』からLesson 3の「Benny's Flag」を紹介します。全体的には開隆堂の方が内容が充実しているという印象ですが、この文章も面白いストーリーでそれなりに楽しめます。
いつものように、老婆心ながら対訳を付けました(対訳は、自然な日本語にするため、かなり意訳しています)。なお、この項では、文法の例文として紹介されていたのが以下の3つの文章で、①((1)の部分)でbeforeの副詞節、②((2)の部分)でso that構文、③((3)の部分)で形容詞的用法の不定詞がテーマになっているようです。②のso that構文は、現在の英語教科書にはものによっては出てきませんが、高校入試の英文では割合普通に出て来たります。本文の該当する箇所にアンダーラインを引いています。
① I went out before my sister came home.
② I was so busy that I could not see him.
③ Give me something to eat.
Lesson 3
Benny's Flag
Once there was a boy. His name was Benny. He lived in Alaska before it became a state. He had black hair and bright black eyes. He always had a happy, friendly smile. He liked everyone and everyone liked him.
Benny had no parents, but he had many friends in the mission home. The other children there had no parents, either. Benny was happy in the mission home. But sometimes, before he went to sleep at night, he felt lonely and looked at the stars in the sky.
"I'll be a fisherman after I finish school," Benny thought. "I want to catch fish with a big net. The North Star will show me the way at sea, because it's the star of Alaska.”
There were hundreds of stars in the clear sky. They were so beautiful that Benny looked at them for a long time.
“The sky with so many stars is like a field of forget-me-nots," he thought. Forget-me-nots are little flowers like stars. They begin to bloom all at once after the long winter. They can be seen all over the wide Alaskan fields. The forget-me-not is the state flower of Alaska.
One day his teacher said," You have something to do at home today. There's a contest to design a flag for Alaska. Bring your designs tomorrow."
That night the children in the mission home got together to work on their designs. They began to talk loudly about their ideas. But Benny was quiet. He could not think of anything to draw. He thought and thought.
Suddenly he had an idea. He drew gold stars on a blue field. The blue field was for the Alaskan sky and the forget-me-nots. The gold stars were for the North Star and the Big Dipper.
The next day he gave his design to his teacher.

Several months later, the teacher called the boys and girls together after school.
"Children," she said, "I have some good news to tell you. The flag contest is over. Boys and girls from all over Alaska took part in the contest, and Benny got first prize! From now on, Benny's design will be the Alaskan flag."
At first Benny could not believe his ears. Then he felt very happy and excited.
On the Fourth of July, there was a big parade in the village. Everyone came to see it. Benny was at the head of the parade. He was carrying the new Alaskan flag. He was walking more happily than anyone else.
「皆さん」と彼女は言った。「皆さんにすごいお知らせがあります。先日の旗のコンテストが終わりました。アラスカ中の子どもたちがこのコンテストに応募しましたが、なんとベニーが一等賞を取りました! これからベニーのデザインがアラスカの旗になるんですよ」